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The EVN Pipeline

All EVN data correlated at JIVE runs through the EVN Pipeline, which perform an automatic calibration of the data, providing diagnostic plots and images and calibrated data for all sources.

The EVN ParselTongue Pipeline

In January 2006, the old EVN pipeline (described in astro-ph/0205118) which uses a set of POPS procedures that run within AIPS was superceded by a new version that uses ParselTongue to provide access to the AIPS tasks from a Python script.

The full details on the publicly-available code, how to run it, and related questions can be found in the EVN Pipeline wiki, or refer to the original paper (Reynolds 2006).



ParselTongue is a Python interface to classic AIPS, Obit and possibly other task-based data reduction packages. It serves as the software infrastructure for some of the ALBUS implementation. It allows you to run AIPS tasks, and access AIPS headers and extension tables from Python. There is also support for running Obit tasks and accessing data in FITS files. Full access to the visibilities in AIPS UV data is also available.

ParselTongue allows you to script AIPS with a modern programming language, making complex automated data reduction possible. The excellent support for today's web standards in Python facilitates the development of pipelines that interact easily with the outside world.

The full details on installation, functionality, and FAQ can be found under the Parseltongue Wiki.